Axiom Oxford dictionary definition: A statement or preposition which is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true. Cambridge dictionary definition: A statement or principle that is generally accepted to be true, but need not be so. Example: Peano axiom - For every natural number n , S ( n ) is a natural number. Postulate Oxford dictionary definition: A thing suggested or assumed as true as the basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief. Cambridge dictionary definition : To suggest a theory, idea etc. as a basic principle from which a further idea is formed or developed. Example: Euclid's postulate- A straight line segment can be drawn joining any two points. Theorem Cambridge dictionary definition: A formal statement that can be shown to be true by logic. Oxford dictionary definition: A general preposition not self-evident but proved by a chain of reasoning; truth established by means of accepted truths. Examples: Pytha...